This project was devised as a tool to collectively reimagine rooftops from comatose vestiges to active and visible spaces for public life and assembly.

Proposed over a network of rooftops across Camden High Street, London, the installations utilising a common outdoor chair as the single repeated element in a series of familiar arrangements of social scenarios, from celebration and recreation, to vocation and organisation.

Yet what remained undeclared and unquestioned throughout the conception of the project – the weeklong exhibition and its public programme was the fact that these images were entirely constructed.

Playing the potential of images as plausible scenes and provocations, the exhibition acted as a space to invite spatial practitioners and guest speakers including residents, architects, business owners and local labour councillor Sally Gimson, to discuss and further explore proposals pertaining to the potential of the elevated street.

Produced in collaboration with Samuel Perea Díaz
Commissioned by Camden Council
London Design Week, 2014