Anatomy of a Street, curated by Eszter Steierhoffer
London Festival of Architecture 2010
AUBERGINE:NW8 is a form of designed engagement to shed light into the complex interactions and communities that surround Church Street Market in west London.
Phase one - The Church St. Cookbook: Whilst occupying a market stall amongst the daily traders, the common cultural denominator and popular ingredient, the aubergine, was exchanged for home-cooked aubergine recipes. This phase concluded with over one hundred recipes received from twenty one nations.
Phase two - AUBERGINE:NW8: A one-day-only street restaurant was installed within the market and a selection of the collected recipes were cooked with members of the contributing members of the public. The restaurant was visited by local residents, Westminster councillors, community officers, gallery curators, artists, and curious by-standers often seen discussing the current state of the neighbourhood and it's pending change with their mouths full.
Phase one - The Church St. Cookbook: Whilst occupying a market stall amongst the daily traders, the common cultural denominator and popular ingredient, the aubergine, was exchanged for home-cooked aubergine recipes. This phase concluded with over one hundred recipes received from twenty one nations.
Phase two - AUBERGINE:NW8: A one-day-only street restaurant was installed within the market and a selection of the collected recipes were cooked with members of the contributing members of the public. The restaurant was visited by local residents, Westminster councillors, community officers, gallery curators, artists, and curious by-standers often seen discussing the current state of the neighbourhood and it's pending change with their mouths full.
Anatomy of a Street, curated by Eszter Steierhoffer
London Festival of Architecture 2010